Courtesy: Paramount+


Review: Mike Judge’s Beavis and Butt-Head “The Ciabatta Zone/The Warehouse”

By John Schwarz

June 22, 2023


The Ciabatta Zone

Beavis and Butt-Head both want to wear the Burger World giant hamburger costume.


Cooped Up-Post Malone, Daily Routine of a CEO

Tom Anderson’s War Stories

Right in the middle of a brutal battle during the Korean War, Tom shows a farmer how to fix his sink.

The Warehouse

Middle-aged Beavis and Butt-Head get a warehouse job at the world’s biggest internet retail company. You know the one we mean.

Our Take

The penultimate episode of Mike Judge’s Beavis and Butt-Head is here and after a somewhat average start to the season, the last several weeks have definitely delivered in spades and this week’s was truly something off the rocker.

“The Ciabatta Zone” was pretty funny if not somewhat similar to what other series in the past have done i.e. South Park, Family Guy, etc., but Mike Judge’s Beavis and Butt-Head puts an interesting slather that was comical and finished with a hilarious beat down on Beavis. “The WareHouse” was by far the funnier of the two and was pretty much perfect. I would’ve liked to have seen a bit more of what specifically causes the fire in the warehouse and how the duo get out of harm’s way with all of that cheese, but overall the premise was hysterical and the execution on the climax was a chef’s kiss for sure.

None of the cutaway gags were anything home to write about, and personally, I would’ve liked to have seen something a bit more heavy-handed geared towards that asshole CEO. But, then we get a new chapter of “Tom Anderson’s War Stories” that was hilarious and that kind of fixed whatever I was missing from the cutaways.

For the show to put all of this together in a just over 20-minute runtime was impressive, but if I’m to be honest, I would’ve liked to have seen a tad more runtime given to “The Warehouse” to really flesh out that plot a tad more. Other than that, another fine week as we head into the season two finale next week.