Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Hell’s Paradise: “Student and Master”

By Michael Triay

June 05, 2023


Overview: Tenza (Ben Balmaceda) and Shion (Reagan Murdock) work to protect Nurugai (Cassie Ewulu) against a powerful, overwhelming Tensen. 

Our Take: Rather than merely keep the focus on Gabimaru and Sagiri, the series continues to expand upon other characters. Tenza and Shion’s relationship is the foundation of this episode and a touching throughline.  

They live up to the title of “Student and Master” well in their dynamic. Their backstory is heartfelt in the hope and promise Shion has for Tenza. Shion’s faith in him is especially impactful in the constant rejection Tenza faced as a poor, homeless child. 

Their relationship also establishes the light that Tenza sees and fights so profusely for in Nurugai. The tree Tensen’s unrelenting attacks make Tenza’s fatal blows a brutal ordeal. His self-sacrifice for his friends is gut-wrenching in his connection with them and the prospects of his bright future. With all that mind, it could’ve had even more emotional impact had the series furthered their relationship more deeply on the island. 

All that aside, it further demonstrates how deadly and virtually indestructible Tensens are and the challenge Gabimaru and the gang are in for. Just as important is the beginning of Shion and Nurugai’s partnership and how they’ll work together to avenge him.