Review: HouseBroken “Who’s the Boss?”


Diablo gets testicular implants, which leads to a surprising power struggle; Tabitha battles with a rebellious teenage Kit Kat.

Our Take

I’ve never heard of testicular implants but given that this series takes place in Southern California it doesn’t surprise me that this would not only be a thing but a thing that you could do to pets because Diablo getting an implant sounds exactly like the type of shit that a Kardashian would pull off.

In any case, “Who’s the Boss?” doesn’t feature a guest-starring role by Tony Danza or anything, but we still get a pretty comical effort to help finish out the month of May. I’m not in favor of moving the camera around to hide Diablo’s balls and would have preferred a blurred out effort but that’s kind of the line this show has always straddled. Last season Chief’s running around with a dildo, this season the producers pull back on the edginess which somewhat explains the drop in ratings for the show’s second season whence compared to season one. Tabitha’s plot featured a fun cat fight which was the highlight of that piece, but other than that, not much to write home about.

I’m not sure about the future of this franchise. The show takes a week off for Memorial Day and comes back with two-episodes premiering on June 4th which I’m assuming is the beginning of the end of the show due to the fact that there hasn’t been a season three announcement and with this show being WGA and with FOX already seeing returns of going the Web3 route with some of its animated productions, the writing could be on the wall for this one.