English Dub Review: The Legendary Hero is Dead! “The Legendary Hero Is Revived”



Touka and his makeshift party tackle the true terror haunting the capital.

Our Take:

It’s a very obscure movie to reference but when Touka yelled out “You’re breaking my heart Anri!” I couldn’t help but think of the super bad movie The Room. Anyways… That has no bearing on the episode, just something I thought was funny.

The three shows I reviewed today (including this one) absolutely rocked this week. It’s no surprise that the princess is now a party member, what is surprising is the fact she actually loves Touka now. I mean he’s the main character so I’m not THAT surprised but given his behavior, it was a little surprising.

Remember how I was complaining about Yuna as a character? Well, I don’t think I can say it got better this episode but it looks like it might soon. I find it interesting how often she ends up running around in just underwear, you can definitely tell this show’s primary concern is fanservice. But two reasons I am optimistic about Yuna becoming better. 1) She is voiced by Alexis Tipton and that already elevates her a little bit. 2) She just got bit by a zombie and I feel like Touka has been keeping something from her and when and if that comes out then I think it will lead to some interesting developments. A great episode in a weird and zany show.