English Dub Review: Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear “Bear, Getting Lectured”



Yuna finishes the golem hunting quest and returns to the royal capital to pick up Fina. Excited, Yuna immediately asks the smithy to make a bunch of mithril knives. Fina finally loses her temper when Yuna offers one to Shuri, too.

Our Take:

This makes me wonder if the NPCs in video games get weird and angry when I save thirty diamonds and give them away. If the “real” world worked with video game logic I think it would be pretty funny to see how people make it work. But as for this world, Yuna has to think before she takes advantage of her wealth and gives things to people. Sure giving a little girl who is going to help you a Mithril knife seems nice but it can also be seen as disrespectful, but I guess when you bribe people with sweets they’ve never had then it’s okay.

I look forward to seeing what types of monsters Yuna brings Fina now that she has a knife that can cut through them all. You see a lot of fantasy anime and video games like to focus on the action and of course, I enjoy that as well. But when we sometimes focus on the “mundane” things as well it can be really fun.