English Dub Review: Hell’s Paradise: “Heart and Reason”

Overview: Sagiri (Marisa Duran) comes to terms with her true self as she and Gabimaru (Alejandro Saab) take on the childish, behemoth Rokurota. 

Our Take: Gabimaru and Sagiri battle against Rokurota, serving as the bulk of the episode. The monster-sized baby serves as a fun enemy with how impenetrable his hulking form is. It forces Gabimaru to beat his enemy using his wits rather than pure savagery. And, of course, through relying on his partner-in-crime.

Sagiri’s arc continues to explore all the aspects that make her unique. Finding the best of both worlds in her compassion and composure is compelling in making even someone as critical as Genji understand that individuality. Most importantly, it is through her attempt to save someone who’s ignorant and bullheaded as he is. 

Sagiri’s swordplay is phenomenal in using her emotions without letting them overwhelm her. The lessons and skills as an executioner shackles her battle against a powerful, fast moving target. Her weaknesses lay the groundwork for excellent teamwork between her and Gabimaru. The progression she makes overcoming both her internal and external conflicts is classic storytelling at its finest. 

The presence of a village sets up much intrigue in exploring the habitants and their type of society in Shinsenkyo. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, Aza and Toma’s discovery surely will. After all, if two mysterious beauties making out in a godforsaken hellscape of an island doesn’t arouse suspicions (among other things), nothing will.