Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Bluelock “The Time Has Come”

By Ben Schmidt

April 09, 2023



Chosen by Rin, Isagi clears the second selection with Bachira. The next challenge for Isagi and his team of five is a match against the world-level super star players. Isagi and his team manages to steal the first goal with the link-up play by Isagi, Bachira, and Rin, but the World Five overwhelms them in no time. They try desperately to catch up, fighting till the last second as they clash their ego. And Blue Lock project which was created to produce the world’s best striker enters the new phase.

Our Take:

So ends one of my favorite anime of season and possibly year. This episode went basically how I thought it would. They got their asses beat by the world-level team and it wasn’t even close. If Rin didn’t score on the first possession the game could have easily been 5-0.

It seems like most everyone we knew and cared about have moved on to the third stage of Bluelock, all except for one. Kunigami did not make it unfortunately, his team got beat and Reo was the one that got chosen.

Bluelock was one of the best sport anime I’ve ever watched, I can only think of one other sports anime that I’ve enjoyed more. But this series has a long way to go and from what I’ve heard we are definitely getting a second season and a movie. Look for my season review for a little more in-depth review and discussion of sports anime.