English Dub Review: Bluelock “Dancing Boy”;”Super Link-Up Play”


Isagi’s team cinched a win due to the awakening of Barou as a villain on the field. To cause more chemical reactions in the fourth stage, they picked one player from the other team, who demonstrated ego to devour them during the game. In the meantime, Bachira and the Top 3 are looking for the next opponent. Rin sees through Bachira’s “monster” during their training, which forces Bachira to face his own ego.

Isagi and others are set to play a revenge match against the “Top 3,” who have defeated them and taken Bachira from them. They have fought against formidable foes and advanced by repeating the process of ego and chemical reactions, and they’re ready to throw everything they have at the Top 3. The final battle of 4 vs 4 is finally about to begin. Isagi, Nagi, Barou, and Chigiri desperately try to keep up with the extraordinary individual skills of the Top 3. But one pass from Bachira starts to evolve the game…

Our Take:

I really, really like this anime in case you haven’t noticed. I’ve been doing a rewatch of Major 2nd and I don’t know if you’ve watched the Major series at all but it is one of the best sports anime I’ve ever watched. Unfortunately, it’s subbed only but don’t let that stop you from giving it a try. Now, why did I bring up a different anime to talk about Bluelock? I brought it up because that is my all-time favorite sports anime and Bluelock is giving it a serious run for its money. That series has more of what I’m interested in but as a pure sports anime Bluelock might be on top.

As for the bet I made last week it seems that I was wrong. I thought Reo might be the one they pick but they decided to go with but they decided on Chigiri. Hard to argue against speed like his but man the look on Kunigami’s face was heartbreaking.

It feels like just yesterday that Isagi lost Bachira to Rin and his team of monsters but looking at the episode count I guess it has been a while. I love when you can tell actual growth in a character and getting to see Bachira’s childhood was pretty cute. I kind of feel bad for him but I think he has found his “monster” in Isagi. He sees that same potential in Rin though and I don’t know about you but I want to see what this team could do with Bachira in the mix. The only problem is if they get to choose why wouldn’t they choose the best player in Rin? But first they have to win the match so buckle in for a couple of episodes.