English Dub Review: The Eminence in Shadow: “The Sacred Land, City of Deception”


Overview: Cid (Adam Gibbs) and the rest of the Shadows take a trip to the holy city of Lindwurm. 

Our Take: A real fan service fest is upon us in a face-off of boobs. A real breastacle, if you will, in Beta and Epsilon’s argument over whose bust is best and most alluring to Cid. The entire conversation is ridiculous, but a fun diversion. It is “supple”mented with Alexia’s debate with Iris on thongs, presumably for Cid. Their discussion is entirely tongue-in-cheek, making it very charming. 

Rose and Cid have wonderful chemistry in how smitten she is with him, misunderstanding his true feelings. Her over-the-top infatuation is hilarious on their train ride to Lindwurm. 

There is intriguing lore set up about the sacred city that takes us outside the walls of the royal capital. The widespread impact and popularity of Lindwurm’s religion is interesting through its smart characterizations in common merchandise, like keychains. The faith, involving the three heroes and the power bestowed by Beatrix, alongside the trials, tease bigger, bolder challenges for Cid and Shadow Garden. Although, with how overpowered Shadow and the team are, if nothing else, hopefully they can be an entertaining distraction. 

Beta’s status as an acclaimed author is a funny development. Her plagiarizing of the biggest pop culture works Cid told her of makes for some amusing literature and manga references. 

With a Beatrix archbishop murdered by a cultist and Epsilon killing one of his henchmen, it gets the ball rolling on a new conflict.