English Dub Review: Pop Team Epic “Boomer Team Epic”

So, I talk a lot about how the animators for Pop Team Epic manage to master so many different animation styles, and anime from different eras. “Boomer Team Epic” is another one of those instances. “Boomer Team Epic” reminds me of a motif similar to “The Critic”…the cartoon that starred Jon Lovitz from back in the 1990s. The voice acting is on point. And one thing I never noticed was each episode has two (four if you count both versions) different voice actors every week. Or, at the least, a rotating set of voice actors.

The underlying technical feats Pop Team Epic manages to pull off from episode to episode actually surprises me. That said, the script for “Boomer Team Epic” is on point for a 90’s sitcom. It reminds me of Seinfeld, if Seinfeld was actually funny. There’s just something about a comedian with an overly inflated ego forced to share a room with someone they find under them very…fulfilling. The end, however, seems really rushed, with a flashback revolving around a bento box, then a discussion, then next skit.

Later on, Popuko, the “Popunator,” is greeted by gamer superfan Pipimi. The animators get the absolute stupidity of streamer culture, because Popuko is acting about as moronic as Ninja used to when he was at the height of his popularity. He was doing all of these stupid bullshit dances and placating to kids. However, when you fall off, you tend to trim the bullshit. Too bad it was too late. Anyway, Pipimi plays the dumb kid stereotype to a tee. Good job.

I’m going to loop back to the animation for a second. After the pro gamer skit, there’s a skit where Popuko tells Pipimi where to look. And the different assets that make up Pipimi’s model is shifted off model, yet the model is animated flawlessly. Maybe it’s my old age, but the animation for Pop Team Epic is a constant surprise for me. Watching this show on a week to week basis gives me a new found respect for what Pop Team Epic brings to the table. I will constantly praise the animation for Pop Team Epic because of it.

Next skit just keeps the off the wall things that the animators can do going. Popuko has Pipimi selected in a Photoshop-esque program, and is just moving Pipimi’s model everywhere. I liken it to a 5 year old who gets their hands on their parent’s drawing tablet, and goes to town. Watching Pipimi get constantly resized, tilted, getting the model’s perspective constantly switched is still amazing to watch. Watching how messed up Pipimi’s model get at the end was just mean.

The rest of the skits were nothing special. They were just place holders. The opening skit was about horny animals wanting see two people make out, with the rabbit saying no. After “Boomer Team Epic,” Pipimi was tickling Popuko, over and over again, with not a lot to it. Later, Popuko wanting, and subsequently got, a shittake mushroom log. Right before the final two sketches, Popuko nukes Poseidon with a torpedo she initially mistook for Pipimi. Finally, there was a short “Bob Epic Team”, with a Canadian Prefectural Policeman getting railroaded by Popuko. “Bob Epic Team” still makes zero sense.

The second run through is more entertaining, though. I’m not sure why the back half is so much more entertaining. The writers for it seem like they give less of a shit and give more of an ad lib style. The more free flow fun makes it seem more spontaneous, and the voice actors are having more fun. “Boomer Team Epic” was made so much better with this style.

Overall, Pop Team Epic still impresses with the animation. Seeing how eclectic the animation styles are this week, either there’s a mess of teams working on PTE every week, or the team that works on it are absolute masters of their craft. That’s the absolute constant of excellence going for it. The story sometimes make zero sense, with skits like “Bob Epic Team” still being so off the wall and making no sense. Next week is the final show of the season, and I’m hoping Pop Team Epic goes out with a bang. “Boomer Epic Team” was a great set up.