Adult Swim

Review: Rick and Morty “Analyze Piss”

By John Schwarz

November 28, 2022


Rick embraces therapy by way of Dr. Wong which allows him to deal with Jerry’s new found fame as a superhero called “Flamingo Dad”. After going viral from beating the shit out of the one and only, Pissmaster, Jerry gets chosen by a council to take hold of an orb with immense power that Rick helps manifest in an Iron Man-like suit so that Jerry can go around space and destroy the assholes of space. Unfortunately, when Rick learns that Pissmaster commits suicide and blames Jerry, Rick dons the Pissmaster gimmick so that his death will be more noble and respected. When the council opts for Pissmaster’s admittance into their clique, they order Flamingo Dad to bring back Pissmaster in one piece.

When Jerry learns that Rick is now Pissmaster, the council bans the two of them and is now looking into the probability that they can enlist Mr. Nimbus in the future.

Our Take

I have been waiting for YEARS for Will Forte to be a part of Rick and Morty and boy am I happy as a pig in shit that he finally got a chance to be a part of the show. Granted, it was for a character that didn’t last very long, but it was enough. In any case, this week’s episode is definitely THE highlight of the season thus far and is worth every second of your time. The guest cast was excellent, the premise was hilarious, and this all-the-while most of the family took a back seat in terms of relevance.

A personal preference would have been to see if a Flamingo Dad and a Space Beth would’ve rekindled their relationship thereby giving us another arc to think about, but overall, I really can’t complain about the episode. The fight scenes feature the best choreography in the industry, the slap fight between Pissmaster and Jerry had me near vomiting in laughter, and now we have yet ANOTHER council to think about in this friggin’ show, this one clearly more inspired by Green Lantern. In any event, “Night Family” wins the Emmy, but this episode will win the hearts of minds of the die-hard Rick and Morty fan and may inspire more than a few costumes in Comic-Cons for years to come.