English Dub Review: Natsume’s Book of Friends “Stolen Book of Friends”

Overview (Spoilers Below):

Natsume is attacked by a yokai while retrieving a ball at school. In his haste to run away, he ends up breaking a yokai’s seal, similar to how he met Nyanko-sensei. Later that night, Natsume discovers a black lookalike of Nyanko-sensei, only to have him steal the Book of Friends!

Our Take:

In a surprising turn of events, Natsume’s Book of Friends is back with the English dub version of its second season. What makes it surprising is that it arrived one month after I finished its first season. Normally, the wait between the anime seasons lasts more than that. But it looks like the people behind the dub didn’t want to keep the fans waiting for more adventures of Natsume and Madara. Since I surprisingly enjoyed the show’s first season for its concept, I’m not going to complain about the second season’s unexpected arrival. 

The new opening theme indicates that season two occurs during the fall and winter seasons. Even with the weather changes, the spiritual concept remains the same, with Natsume and Madara encountering and helping other yokai with their dilemmas. This time, we see the duo helping a mysterious black cat, who’s actually the master of the forest named Ryo. Ryo is stuck in his cat form, similar to Madara’s, after Natsume accidentally breaks the seal. To prevent the other yokai from harming the humans, Ryo steals the Book of Friends to have Natsume release him.

“Stolen Book of Friends” offers exactly what you would expect from the show: a beautifully subtle and engaging experience that doesn’t try to be anything different. More importantly, it retains the humor that balances well with its supernatural and drama tones, with the highlights being the chemistry between Natsume and Madara and Madara’s old companion, Beniyo. Additionally, it also works as an episode fit for newcomers. It spends the first few minutes retelling Natsume’s backstory and referencing specific elements from the season one episodes, which is more than enough to get the rookies attached to the show immediately. Even though I recommend watching the first season before getting into season two, I give it credit for getting the viewers up to speed without breaking the pace. In short, it’s a pleasant start to the show’s second season.