English Dub Review: Lycoris Recoil “Recoil of Lycoris”


All is settled with the incident at Enkuboku—or so it seems until Majima, who should have been defeated at the old Radio Tower, reappears before Chisato. Majima planted a bomb in the Enkuboku, betting on the explosion when he challenges Chisato to a one-on-one fight. As Chisato’s own time limit approaches, the final battle begins!

Our Take

With Majima still alive, DA isn’t out of the woods while the rest of the Lycoris fight their way out of Enkuboku, where the terrorist is ready to re-enact the old incident once again by rigging the entire radio tower with explosives. DA can only rest its last hopes on Chisato, who engages in a fierce battle with Majima to settle their duel, and even if her artificial heart is failing, the terrorist pays heed and stops her for a drink and a chat over their logic on how they view the world around them as both the hero and the villain. And having the last fight with the OP in the background was awesome.

While this is going on, Mika has his own agenda in getting Chisato’s other heart from Yoshimatsu’s briefcase and Himegawa, and if there’s anyone I feel bad for the most in this scenario, it’s Mika. As he was forced into making an unthinkable decision for the sake of giving Chisato the future she deserves, but not what Yoshimatsu and the rest of Allen Institute planned for her. And where do I even begin with how they handled Majima’s machinations of exposing D.A. which feels like a massive ass-pull??

Overall, while the proceedings felt a bit rushed, it’s nice that they wrapped things up in a way that actually gives us a conclusion, while also leaving it open enough for a sequel if they end up wanting to do that. It closed the important points of the work, however, I had the feeling that it could be something more impactful, and I also felt that there’s much more to the story to explore than what was shown. It certainly leaves the door open for another season if the animation team chooses to pursue this show further. But at the very least, I was entertained even if it was slightly flawed and the post credits scene while comical, ended things on a surprisingly lighthearted note.