Rooster Teeth In Hot Water After Allegations Of Abuse From Former Employees


There was a lot of noise last week about the end of Cartoon Network that really was just a lot of noise. The network had to assure people that the network was still here after a report came out that Cartoon Network Studios was being moved under the guise of Sam Register, leaving fans to speculate that the network was going to die. Fortunately, that isn’t the case, but there may be another WB Discovery studio with cross-hairs on it if these allegations of abuse are true.

Former Rooster Teeth employee Kdin Jenzen, best known for being a voice actor for series like RWBY, launched a rather long and horrifying account of her experiences working for the Austin-Texas based employer. During the course of Kdin’s allegations, she claims workplace harassment, lack of or no payment for jobs completed, and apparently there’s a bunch of behind-the-scenes drama that unfolded during the production of gen:Lock season two that hasn’t even come to light yet, chief among them concerns about the series’ potential lack of . Because of Kdin’s statement going viral numerous reactions have occurred that include additional employees speaking of their own nightmares of working for Rooster Teeth which have resulted in employees crying on campus, being not paid for their work, and Burnie Burns being an asshole (Burns left RT a couple of years ago).

Rooster Teeth has since released their own statement where they not exactly acknowledge Kdin’s specific claims, and instead seems to be somewhat using the “hearsay” defense attributing ex-employees just being unhappy about being terminated from their employment. Whatever the intention was for the statement, that hasn’t stopped a number of former Rooster Teeth Animation employees from flaming the thread and looking for what’s due for them. Moreover, numerous employees, mostly those of the Achievement Hunter series, have come forward on Twitter to publicly apologize to Kdin with most attributing the “bro culture” that Rooster Teeth had developed over the years right under the nose of WarnerMedia who reported Rooster Teeth was only bringing in under $20 million (for a media/subscription company, that’s very underwhelming).

More as it develops.