Review: Angels of Death: Origins “Kill Command”

“Kill Command,” the latest entry in the Angels of Death series is another stylish entry into the grim dark future of the 41st millennium. Let’s compare a couple shows for a second. Interrogator is a show that looks sleek, drab, and almost tailor made for a film noir series akin to Dick TracyAngels of Death:Origins is a show that has amazing, almost photo-realistic CG that could pass for a beautiful cut scene for a AAA video game, or a movie that could have a $200 million budget. The animation is fucking beautiful.

You can tell Games Workshop and Warhammer Storyforge spared no expense to make Angels of Death: Origins look even more insane than the previous installments. The monochromatic black and white with the red from the blood and uniforms from the Blood Angels on the Sword of Baal. I am loving all of this. The design choices for the shows on WarhammerTV is a lot better than most of the design choices for the 40K tabletop game (just look at the Leagues of Votann release).

And while I liked seeing the Aeldari, there wasn’t much to go on here. “Kill Command” starts out with the Sword of Baal already half destroyed, almost everyone dead. After an Aeldari ship comes back around for round two, the just christened shipmistress Livia blows the living shit out of the Aeldari ship, as well as another quarter of the Sword of Baal. She’s the badass the show needed. She took control of the ship by jacking into the ship, and interacting with it like it was the Matrix. Good fucking god was this shit awesome.

There is a lot of potential with Angels of Death: Origins. If this is an ongoing series, I’m in on it. I just hope there’s more content to it than there was in “Kill Command.” Beautiful CG animation can only go so far.