English Dub Review: The Daily Life of the Immortal King “The Immortal King at a Loss”



Wang Ling uses his powers to remake the world. Unfortunately, there can’t be two worlds occupying the same space and one has to go. Which will Wang Ling choose and what of Sun Rong?

Our Take:

I will be honest with all of you I have next to no idea what actually happened here. Time travel stories can be crazy confusing as it is and this one made even less sense. I couldn’t tell if Wang was dreaming of a different world while creating one but one thing I am sure of is that I am looking forward to the second season.

The main reason is that I think we are going to get some major romantic developments between Wang and Sun. But I feel really bad for Wang because in this episode we learn that not only are his powers being sealed but it seems that his emotions are also being sealed. I really hope there is some way to get past this in the second season and there is even a third season being released right now so I hope we get more Daily Life of the Immortal King soon.