Courtesy: Crunchyroll


English Dub Review: Raven of the Inner Palace: “The Jade Earring, Part 2”

By Michael Triay

October 31, 2022


Overview: Shouxue (Alexis Tipton) and Jiujiu (Bryn Apprill) continue their investigation for the murderer behind Ban Yingnu’s death. 

Our Take: Liu’s past paints a grim picture of how heartless the previous ruler was in his cruel prejudice against silver haired folk that serve as relics of the Yuan dynasty. Shouxue’ mother’s death is a brutal ordeal to watch a young child bear witness to, especially in the horrific degradation it was left to. Gaojun’s discreteness in learning of Shouxue’s white haired origin is a tactful pleasant exchange that shows how earnestly trustworthy he is. 

The Raven Consort investigates the case with Jiujiu, temporarily serving as her lady-in-waiting. The short-term nature of the arrangement is stressed so much it is a heavy reminder, both figuratively and literally, how much she is afraid to trust or get close to people, due to her position. When they visit Ban’s former maid, Su Hongqiao, the tragic truth of the consort hanging herself after being framed for the murder of the Third Consort, by the empress, comes to light. It just further reflects the cruelty of Dowager.  

Liu reconnects Ban Yingnu’s spirit with her lost lover, Guohao, allowing her to properly ascend into the afterlife for a bittersweet and heartbreaking final closure. Gaojun’s reasoning for wanting to solve the case also ties back into wanting to repay the kindness he was shown by Ban Yingnu as a child, during his mother’s death, and bring justice, or what little he could. Although it is brief and tagged on through the end of their case, it is effective in demonstrating the personal importance and gratitude he feels for her. 

Not long after, Dowager’s plot to kill the emperor is also revealed, with the attendant who harrasses Jiujiu involved no less, giving the emperor the smoking gun he needs to rightfully execute her. She is a bitter broad and seemingly curses him in some way which will be intriguing in discovering the nature of the wicked hex she placed on him. With Gaojun agreeing to not take any action against Shouxue, how he relates to her self-loathing through their inability and inaction to help their parents is touching. It is also just funny and adorable he wins her coy gratitude through the many treats he brings her. With him offering her a job as his own personal consort and them growing closer, it will be engaging in how they continuously connect with and understand each other through their shared grief.