English Dub Review: Link Click “Pinnacle of Light”

Overview (Spoilers Below):

Cheng catches Min Liu, but Emma’s death is still a mystery.

Our Take:

Cheng’s plan is a success and Min Liu is arrested. However, he never confesses to the crimes. He says his friend is behind them all. It’s also revealed that Emma was never murdered.

Cheng goes back to the night of Emma’s death to see what happened. He sees that she survived the car crash that paralyzed Min Liu. She is about to jump off of a bridge, but Cheng stops her. He explains everything and talks her out of jumping.

That is, until she is possess by someone else. This person is the one who was controlling Min Liu. This person also causes Emma to jump off of the bridge. Not only that, but the same person controls Qiao and has her stab Lu. The episode ends with a stare down between Cheng and the possessed Qiao.

What a season finale this is. I’m glad that Cheng’s plan worked, but I kind of figured Min Liu was only a pawn in this game. That being said, I couldn’t have predicted anything else that happens in this episode.

The story is very interesting and is detailed very well. They cover just about all of the bases here trying to figure out what exactly happened. The story takes a lot of twists and turns, which makes for an intense but enjoyable ride.

I love Cheng’s speech that he gives to Emma. His words are powerful alone, but the montage of all of his cases and their happy endings makes it tear-jerking. I can say the same about the montage of Emma reflecting on her life. I already liked Emma in the first episode and I felt sympathy for her, but this episode makes the character even better. On a side note, the music in this scene does a great job at setting the tone.

The last scene is excellent because it leaves the story on a note where the confirmed second season will easily be able to pick up. Cliffhanger endings can be souring, but this one keeps you wanting more and I definitely want to see more of Link Click.