English Dub Review: Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? “Parasite| Viscum Album



The party has two options: either retreat to the surface with the injured or hunt the monster and hope its defeat will dispel the ailment. Both choices carry dire risks.

Our Take:

If you have ever played Dungeons & Dragons you know that you should never split the party! Now I know that they didn’t exactly mean to split the party but still. I think it turned out for the best though because Bell got to meet a true-to-life mermaid. How much do you want to bet she falls in love with him too?

The fight scenes are still awesome but I have a feeling this season isn’t going to be what I’m looking for. What was so refreshing about this show was Bell already being in love with someone and no matter what that wouldn’t change. Some shows need a harem and this one just isn’t it. Why can’t we have more Ais Wallenstein? She is what drives Bell to grow and be better but ever since season two she has hardly been in it. Not only that but she and Bell were fighting last season which wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. But we are still early in the season so hopefully, I am wrong about where this is headed.