English Dub Review: Call of the Night “8th Night: All of Us”



Ko thought he had all the time in the world, but the revelation of an unexpected deadline changes everything. Hopefully, his friends (new and old alike) will have some advice.

Our Take:

Ko was sitting here thinking that no matter what he would become a vampire eventually but now it seems that might not be the case. Turns out that if you haven’t become a vampire after a year you never can become one. So he better lay on the charm and gets Nazuna to fall in love with him sooner rather than later!

We are also introduced to another friend of Ko’s. Turns out he might be in the same boat as Ko, there is an older woman that he is interested in but she can only make time for him at night. I would be willing to bet money that this woman he is hanging out with is also a vampire but I would have thought she would have been in the group Ko was just in. Either way, I look forward to seeing where this little arc goes, and once again I have to say that the animators are doing amazing with this. I have never seen a more beautiful sky than what they do in this show.