Kongregate, creators of the beloved web gaming platform Kongregate.com is celebrating the sixth anniversary of Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards, a free-to-play card collecting game with over 10 million downloads. Initially launched in 2016, the game includes characters from 20th Television’s Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, Futurama, American Dad, and King of the Hill. With the anniversary, comes an island takeover showdown event and, for the first time, the arrival of characters from the beloved FX animated series, Archer.

With the Archer integration, players can choose Sterling Archer as their main hero, complete with his own set of cards. They compete in PvE battles against Archer bosses Pam Poovey, Cyril Figgis, and Malory Archer. The update will introduce hilarious character content with new taunt phrases from the Archer characters, including, “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the deafening sound of my own awesomeness!” Users will enjoy new missions, quests, and cards inspired by fan-favorite Archer moments from episodes like Honeypot and Placebo Effect, as well as new islands featuring art they’ve never seen before during the month-long anniversary celebration. The recurring event Swole Club will be redesigned as Fort Kickass during Archer’s introduction to the game.

Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards is free on the web at Kongregate.com, as well as PC and mobile devices.