English Dub Review: Overlord: “Well-prepared Traps”


To gain more information, Ainz and Albedo use themselves as bait as they approach the royal capital. Azuth the Red Knight comes to defend the capital and quickly separates the two. While the two of them exchange blows in the air, a mysterious figure comes to visit Ainz…

Our Take

Aside from the beautifully animated action sequences, One of the things I like about the fights in overlord is that they involve thinking, trying to read the opponent and strategy to an extent, unlike most anime where they just do flashy stuff and call it a day (Except for a few such as Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure where the fight scenes have a level of thinking behind them).

Some effort is even made in the sound department and it shows through its attention to detail. For starters, Albedo wears a helmet so her voice sounds muffled. Its little things like that that push shows from good to great. When it was getting towards the end of that confrontation I was thinking that Ainz seemed a bit weak, especially after what I just saw, but much to my shock it played with my expectations in the best way imaginable.

Overall a good episode that helped move the story along at a brisk pace. The fight between the platinum-looking knight and Ainz and the Red Mech-looking Knight vs Albedo were both amazing. Upon research, there are parts of the story from the Light Novel that was left out of the Anime such as the fates of the “8 Fingers” crime syndicate members from season 2, or why Hilma looks so damn skinny which are slightly touched upon in this episode but aren’t explained properly. But at the very least, we’re nearing the end and with two episodes left, it could culminate in a big climax by the end of the season!