English Dub Review: Black Summoner: “Returning to Parth and the Goddess Arrives”


Overview: Kelvin (Van Barr Jr.) and the gang finish their mission in Toraj and eventually head home to savor their new home. 

Our Take: Kelvin gives the heroes one last lesson in bestowing advice in their being no shame in retreat in a battle but also gifts too. It is yet another testament to what we all know. Although he may make freaky facial expressions during the heat of battle, he is a good guy overall, wanting to help his fellow earthling brethren and feeling like he owes them being chosen by Melfina to be heroes. He is the classic, albeit paint-by-numbers hero, especially when he meets with the queen, only wanting a humble feast and the delectable rice he has been coveting since his arrival. Kelvin must have real self control indeed especially in turning down to stay and even be of service in various pleasurable capacities for the lovely queen Tsubaki for his freedom. Nevertheless, it is nice to see the other nice perks they receive like his lifetime supply of rice or Efil learning Japanese cuisine. 

Other little bits are interesting in learning more about the world’s transportation in how a lot more goes into magical teleportation than simple casting like immense magic and clearance in being a high enough adventurer rank.  Eventually portaling home to Parth, the gang also finally gets some much needed and spacious new digs in a huge fancy mansion. Adding onto their reward, it’s full of all the amenities like multiple bedrooms, a large bath, and a training room with the girls they saved as the home’s attendants. As the piece de resistance, Melfina finally returns with a very attractive new form that indeed confirms she is his type, hammering home the rule that when one waifu door closes, another one opens.