English Dub Review: Overlord:” The Impending Crisis”


Ainz decides to lend a hand to the dwarves fighting against the Quagoa, but not for free. He wants to gather Gondo and the other runesmiths for the Sorcerer Kingdom. At the same time, Ainz happens to find the perfect chance to teach Shalltear a thing or two…

Our Take

Another week, another well-written episode. To see how Ainz discusses with the Dwarves to trade rune technology which is nice to watch. Part of me knew those dwarves were keeping the act when they were so composed talking with Ainz. He clearly knows how to act like the ruler. And the fact that he wants to preserve a dying tradition in his newly established “Sorcerer Kingdom” was pretty cool too.

Also, it was a genuinely human moment when seeing how nervous he was to give that presentation. Regardless of how powerful you are, giving a public speech gives some slight awkwardness. Also, Shalltear is learning stuff and taking notes on everything Ainz said. Also, that battle scene between the Quagoa and Two Death Knights was well animated.

Overall, I’m pretty hyped for the next episode. I hate how quick the pacing of these episodes feel. But at the very least, it’ll be interesting to see how Ainz deals with the previously mentioned “Frost Dragon” (Which is a subtle callback to Season One) since Shalltear and Aura’s missions are pretty much guaranteed unless there’s super being hiding in that city.