English Dub Review: Black Summoner: “Demon”


Overview: After going on a date with Efil (Bev Megato) and Ange (Brittney Karbowski), Kelvin (Van Barr Jr.) and his party take on a demonic new foe that will test their strength. 

Our Take: One month has passed since Efil has joined Kelvin and the gang. While it is neat to see how she chooses to progress herself in her archery and fire affinity, it would have been nice to see more in-depth training and progress in what occurred rather than just a narrated recap from Kelvin. 

Kelvin goes on a cute date with Efil and Ange. It is a fun, bubbly time for what it is in their shared enjoyment of desserts, one that is made even sweeter in Kelvin laying out the uppity nobleman. Efil’s endearing aspect continues to be an adorable mainstay of her, but Ange shows a new cheekier side of her generally kind personality that is jokey and charming as a result. Elsewhere, Melfina is hamming it up as a graceful god for an oracle, telling her that the other heroes she reincarnated need to stay away from Parth, keeping them away from Kelvin and the gang, and combat a threat to the west. This is a prime example of when Melfina is at her best, when she goes energetically over-the-top and doubles down on silliness. 

With the other heroes being boring strength and stat wise, compared to Kelvin and the gang, it is meant to illustrate their strength but hopefully they find some other way to make the other heroes interesting, perhaps through a narrative connection Kelvin or some other member of his party. Kelvin’s relationship with Efil was transitioning into romance from the very beginning. However, his reservations about advancing come from a earnestly kind place that helps develop him into a good guy in her being a slave and not wanting to feel like he is taking away her choice. It is simple but with how much he has done for her, Efil’s feelings have a sincerity to them that make me look forward to their eventual relationship with this merely being a formality on the path towards that.  

To make amends for wiping the floor with the rich jabroni, Kelvin takes a job for Leo. However, this one is different in the challenge it presents in the team taking on the powerful demon lord, Gustav. His long monster fangs along with his slim, armored physique make for an imposing gluttony demon design. He runs into the general issues that most new villains slam into in his need to spout exposition in a contrived way when discussing the daughter of the demon king he is holding hostage and his close relationship in the past serving her and her father. However, his slick design along with his haunting hunger and devious intellect make him an intriguing villain. Kelvin’s excitement over battling strong opponents is the most shonen aspect thus far of him and one that will be interesting to see unfold in how far they take his thrill-seeking.