English Dub Review: The Fruit of Evolution: Before I Knew It, My Life Had It Made “Before I Knew It, It’s the Final Episode!?”

Overview (Spoilers Below):

The second hoard of monsters approaches the castle. Afterwards, Seiichi and friends set off on their next journey.

Our Take:

There’s another hoard of monsters that approaches the castle. Of course, Seiichi disposes of them as soon as they arrive. Afterwards, Barnabus asks Seiichi to become a teacher at his magic academy and he invites his harem along too. They all accept and they will be leaving shortly.

In the meantime, Seiichi spends some time with each of the girls individually. He also sees May win her painting competition, which I had completely forgotten about until it was brought up.

When Louise returns, everyone’s ready to leave. They say goodbye to their friends and set off. On the way, a mysterious superhero lands on their carriage and that’s pretty much it.

There are also some developments with the demons including characters I don’t recall seeing before. Plus, one of the students is looking for someone named Sei. Not too hard to figure out who that is.

For a season finale, this felt uneventful. I fully expected Seiichi to work his broken magic to beat this “more formidable” group of enemies. That being said, I still didn’t like it. I’m also sick of his “I don’t want to get stronger” routine. I don’t buy it for a minute.

The rest of the episode is him spending time with the girls, but it’s nothing special or new. It doesn’t feel like there’s any weight to the send off either. Not to mention, the show throws new characters at us at the end of the season. The superhero showed up in the last minute or two of the episode. I get that it’s setting up for Season Two, but it still feels sloppy to me.

Overall, this season finale isn’t good. It sets up for their next adventure, but it still feels like a filler episode. It tries to introduced new characters at the worst time and doesn’t give us any memorable moments of the existing characters. It also leaves us with a lot of loose ends that need to be tied up, which again, they did to set up for another season. This finale could be worse, but given how the rest of the show has been, it’s about what I expected.