English Dub Review: A Couple of Cuckoos: “The Kuroshio currents beckon to me”


Overview: Nagi (Nicholas Andrew Louie) and Hiro (Amanda Lee) go out on their first date and later their father takes him, Sachi (Brynn Apprill) and Erika (Lindsay Sheppard) for an ocean trip to go reel in some fishies. 

Our Take: Nagi and Hiro’s first date at an amusement park is fun and cute. It is also ironic how he criticizes Hiro for not letting loose enough when he does the exact same thing, so much so it makes me wonder whether that is an intentional drawback of his. Nagi freaking the fuck out while Hiro has the time of her life on rides is hilarious and oh so relatable in how I approach legitimately any sizable roller-coaster at any theme park whatsoever. One sweet aspect of Nagi that shines through is how much he accepts Hiro for who she is, quirks and all. Sachi being jealous of the date is indicative of how much she likes him obviously and hopefully him being around other women will evolve and mature them in a way that marks her less annoying in her spiteful, nonstop anger. Also, Nagi feels as if he is becoming too much of a punching bag for jokes whether it’s Sachi or even Hiro making fun of his shirt. In all fairness, some of it (i.e. the hideous shirt) is deserved but feels like it is becoming a bit excessive at times, souring my taste. 

A good fishing trip with dear ol’ dad, specifically Nagi’s adopted one, is exactly what the doctor ordered. Erika’s outfits I thought might be a bit cheesy at first. However, honestly I have really been enjoying the quirkier, lighthearted side of her with her first outfit being that of a baseball player which is made even more adorable with her lack of skill at it. Erika’s industrial fishing look is not only cute but has beginner’s luck as an expert fisherman in a funny, ironic twist. Nagi, buckling down, despite his sea sickness, and trying to catch a fish bigger than his dad so he will stop with these fish catching getaways is funny in how eccentric he is. It is especially so when Nagi catches what is just a mini mackerel. The fishing trip sunsets with a nice moment in which Nagi’s father recognizes his son’s maturity and uses fishing as a means of getting his mind off things, promising for another ocean venture somewhere down the line. It also just continues to paint a picture for Erika how different her life would’ve been had she grown up with her biological parents instead. There was nothing incredibly eventful this time around but it is nice to see Nagi lighten the hell up with the many girls he likes.