English Dub Review: Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs “She’s a Doormat”


Leon thinks it’s time to start blending into the background and actually become a mob character. Plus, a bigger band of sky pirates attacks their ship.

Our Take:

After Olivia’s outburst, Luxion explains to Leon that he has stunted her character growth. Since he always solves Olivia’s problems for her, she can’t become the character she is supposed to be in the game.

Brad unexpectedly encounters Leon and he explains that he’s willing to do anything for Marie. This and a brief sword fight with Brad causes to Leon to realize he needs to make a change as well. He wants to start stepping back and let Olivia grow without him. Little does he know, Olivia regrets the way she spoke to Leon and really isn’t upset with him.

More sky pirates attack the ship, but this band is worse than the last one. Brad and Greg actually get to help out in this fight, even though they’re no match for the boss. We also get a brief glimpse at Olivia’s powers that have been mentioned when she controls Luxion’s robots.

Leon defeats the sky pirates and their boss fairly easily as usual. He also takes the holy necklace from them, which is imperative for Olivia’s growth. After the battle, Olivia heals Brad and Leon starst acting different towards Olivia. He calls her “Lady Olivia” instead of “Livia,” which understandably upsets her. When Angelica finds out, the whole friendship’s status is up in the air.

Leon thinks it’s for the best that he fades into the background. He even insists that Brad and Greg accept the reward and take the credit. Leon also wants them to be reinstated. This is all because he just wants to get out of the spotlight.

What happens next? Well, he gets promoted of course. Clarice’s father gives him a recommendation and he’s going farther ahead in life than he ever wanted to. It looks like his plan to go back to being an ordinary mob is going to be a lot harder than he expected.

I also briefly want to mention that Stephanie is apprehended for setting up the sky pirate attacks. Even though her punishment isn’t explicitly stated, I’m just glad she’s getting her comeuppance.

I understand why Leon wants to go back to blending in the background, but I’ve grown to enjoy his friendship with Livia and Angie. Even if it may help the girls in one way if he distances himself from them, I think he’s in too deep. Their bond has grown to be pretty strong until the recent tension came about. It would be a shame to see it end here. That being said, the tension keeps things interesting. I want them all to remain friends, but I’m still curious about the bumps in the road they take to hopefully get to that point.