Review: It’s Pony “Beachy Weachy Weach ; Bee in a Jar”


“Beachy Weachy Weach”

Annie wants to hang out on the local beach swim dock, but she keeps getting intercepted by the high schoolers…

“Bee in a Jar”

When Brian loses his job at the comic book shop to his big sister Chris, Annie and Pony make it their mission to help her get another job…

Our Take

For the first episode, much of the conflict this time around is from Heston’s older brother named Kyle (Voiced by Josh Brener). A high school kid serving as the lifeguard who proceeds to make things difficult to the Nth degree for Annie and his circle of friends to the point that he even Bans the kids from swimming, using inflatable devices, and even use of boats from swimming within the area or anyone who questions his authority out of sheer pettiness. Of course, Annie is determined to have this positive Beach Dock experience against such adversity, while Pony gets a bit creative with Sand in unimaginable ways. Both subplots slowly come together for a mildly funny ending that involves an annoyingly loud tune called “Song of the Summer”.

As for the 2nd episode, the focus is on Annie and Pony helping Brian’s towering tomboyish sister get a job outside their family business which is more difficult than it sounds given her volatile nature and the comedy of errors that proceed to plague Chris mostly through bad luck and misunderstanding. While Pony has a literal “bee in a jar” which I wasn’t sure where that was heading towards until the very end…

Overall, both episodes were passable for their comedic hijinks, yet both involved the recurring theme of Siblings making things difficult for people in different ways. The first episode suffered both from the pacing and how hideously contrived it got due to the abuse of power Kyle had over the kids going to the Swim Dock and kinda makes you wonder if Kyle somehow predicted what Heston’s friends were going to do just so he can mess with them. While the other was your comedy of errors episode where bad luck seems to mess with Brian’s sister due to Annie & Pony’s well-intentioned attempts to help Chris with her personal goal leading to an unexpected ending when Pony hilariously learns the wrong lessons from their whole experience.