Courtesy: Netflix


Season Review: Pacific Rim: The Black Final Season

By Ben Schmidt

April 22, 2022



The final season of Netflix’s Pacific Rim: The Black picks up right where the first season left off. Boy has transformed into a Kaiju and some women in masks have their eyes on him. Who are the Sisters of the Kaiju? Will Mei fit in with her newfound family? Some questions get answered but not all, unfortunately.

Our Take:

One thing you will learn about me is that the ending of a series is really important to me. A bad ending can ruin an otherwise good show. I wouldn’t necessarily say that a good ending could make a bad show good but it definitely helps. So where does this rank on the ending scale, good or bad? Well, that’s tough to answer, because it’s kind of both.

If you ask me if it’s satisfactory the answer would be yes but it leaves a few things unanswered. Where did these Sisters of the Kaiju come from and why are they the way they are? No idea. They were just inserted to give Hayley and Taylor some bad people to fight. Things like that are frustrating, I feel like what makes characters interesting is knowing their motivations. Why are they the way they are, or if they change what is the reason for that?

One of the biggest blunders to me involves the character of Shane. He was the antagonist for most of the first season so I expected there to be more of the same in this one. For the most part, we are led to believe that will be the case but then he acts extremely altruistic. I love a good redemption story as much as the next guy but I would like it to at least make sense. Yeah he felt like a father to Mei but was that really his only reason to start being better? I’m not buying it.

The best way I could describe this final season is that it felt rushed. Like someone told them they had to end it and the exact amount of episodes they had. I’m just really disappointed because if you read my review of the first season, I really liked it. So I was hopeful that this would be even better, but unfortunately, it went out with more of a whimper than a bang. I think it might have helped if they included a time skip. Something to show what happened to these characters. As it stands now it’s like they don’t care about the characters so they don’t expect you too either. It’s still good and worth a watch but I will always wonder about what could have been.