Review: Alvinnn!!! and the Chipmunks “The Return of Thornbergaupht; Squashed”


“The Return of Thornbergaupht”
Simon’s interactive video game is about to take off, until Jeanette reprograms the game’s villain…

When Alvin dreams of joining a private club, he volunteers Dave to play squash, even though Dave doesn’t play…

Our Take

For the first episode, much of it felt very Jeanette-focused but due to her inexperience in videogames, she attempts to fight the enemy in a different way rather than your typical “rush towards the foe and in physical combat” and while it’s an interesting way to handle a villain, It’s an unexpected consequence on Simon’s end and for some reason Alvin who wants to make everything Simon’s business being the impulsive person he is…

As for 2nd one, Alvin ambitiously wants to push Dave into a sport he isn’t a fan of, just to join a private country club. And while it’s weird for Dave to eventually say yes to it, with his own agenda in mind and at one point even almost wants to pull Dave out until the ending hilariously played with my expectations.

Overall, both episodes were weird, yet mildly entertaining for what they were trying to accomplish. Though we also learn that Alvin whether he wants to admit it or not, is his own worst enemy. He has an extreme desire to be in everyone’s business in some way and his implusiveness often gets him in trouble, even when he sometimes has an ambitious goal or scheme to achieve it.