English Dub Review: Restaurant to Another World “Macaroni Gratin/ Fruit Jelly”



Johan takes Myra to Nekoya after an exhausting day at her family’s restaurant. Fardania and Alice pay a visit to a witch in order to learn the secrets of making fruit jelly.

Our Take:

Not having enough free time is a tough thing, isn’t it? I have never related to an anime character more than when Myra mentioned that. I did love how she and her father own a restaurant and paid for a recipe but made it back in five days. Not only that but after going to Nekoya she has a new idea to try.

Adam McArthur played her friend Johan and let me tell I am really loving him breaking through in the anime industry. He is most well known for his role as Yuji Itadori in Jujutsu Kaisen and let me tell I just finished watching the dub of that and he does amazing. He’s no stranger to voice work but I think anime is a different beast with dubbing and he has proven he belongs.

In the second half of the episode, we got to see some recurring characters for the first time since I’ve been reviewing the show. To be honest they were some of my favorite so I’m glad we get to see them again. I especially love Alice and her childlike wonder. Though I guess in elf years she pretty much is a child so maybe that’s why.