Review: It’s Pony “Flight of the Chickens; Henrietta the Psychic”


“Flight of the Chickens”
Annie wants to stay home alone, but when the chickens escape, she and Pony must get them back…

“Henrietta the Psychic”
After Henrietta predicts that Pony will mess up Annie’s attempt to win a contest, Pony believes she’s a psychic…

Our Take

Much of the humor of the first episode focuses primarily on the hunt for the chickens, while a separate subplot within the proceedings involved a ski trip with Annie’s parents at some winter lodge trying to look cool to their neighbors. There were some fun comedic moments with Pony revealing pieces of information throughout the episode things he knows about the chickens and hilariously things I’m shocked a chicken would have knowledge about considering that last time I checked, chickens have a brain the size of a couple of peanuts…

In “Henrietta the Psychic”, much of the humor heavily relied on Pony’s simple-minded nature in mistaking Henrietta’s snarky cynicism and discouraging words as legitimate psychic predictions. At first, Pony blindly believes them during his adventure with Annie to collect certain items to partake in a contest leading to all sorts of bizarre coincidences before a separate subplot involving their apartment neighbor that slowly comes together in a comical and chaotic conclusion.

Both episodes were passable if only for how energetic, well-paced, and entertaining they were with their frantic proceedings. As usual, there’s often this structured sitcom-like pattern with how these character dynamics where you have the smart responsible kid having a mischievous pet-type character whose actions become the driving force of the plot, only to have sort-of find a unique conclusion that manages to work things out. But at the very least, it was well-executed enough to give me a good laugh here and there…