English Dub Review: My Senpai Is Annoying: “Everyone’s Holidays”


Overview: Kazama (Mark Allen Jr.) and Sakurai (Jennifer AuBuchon) enjoy their very first date together while Takeda (Patrick Seitz) comes to Futaba (Risa Mei) in her time of need. 

Our Take: Everyone and every couple gets their time to kick back, relax and enjoy their time off during Golden Week. This episode acts as a fun dual date episode featuring Kazama and Sakurai’s trip to the aquarium and Takeda and Futaba’s lunch and arcade escapades. 

Over the course of the season, Kazama and Sakurai have been rising through the ranks as my favorite soon-to-be couple. This episode only serves to show just why that is with more momentum on their romantic relations with Kazama finally asking Sakurai on a proper date. Not to mention it shows more of their cute chemistry that they have established in Sakurai charm and teasing of Kazama, especially when a dolphin resembles him so closely. Kazama also shows the progress he is beginning to make in taking Sakurai into consideration more as he attempts to make her happy no matter what while also declaring her to be his, despite playing it off. Her calling him by his first name acts as the perfectly sweet conclusion to their date and growing closer to one another. 

While neither Takeda nor Futaba make any real progress on their budding intimacy, showing the tiring snail’s pace that their relationship is moving at, their time off is an enjoyable romp for what it is. The fact that Futaba calls Takeda when she gets scared speaks volumes of how much she trusts him and showcases more of her adorable immaturity she tries to hide. Futaba and Takeda’s quiet lunch as well as Harumi trying to win Igarashi a stuffed animal showcase their unique bond in how wholesome and innocent they both are together. Their day off mirroring that of their time at work is indicative of how close they already are with each other. And with that comes Futaba maybe, just maybe, coming to terms with how much fun she has with Takeda, which will hopefully get things moving in the right direction.