English Dub Review: The World Ends With You: The Animation “The Countless Wrongs of Our Day”



Shibuya is changing. Its once diverse crowds are now full of people with eerie, identical thoughts, and not even Reapers are immune. Through it all, Neku and Beat try to continue their desperate search for Konishi when a familiar face confronts them…

Our Take

Things are getting complicated with Hanekoma and the game master as we’re moving forward in this show. Neku and Beat find themselves fighting all the reapers who were being controlled by those Red Skull Pins. The good news is at least they managed to have the upper hand this time around.

Hanekoma is a mysterious one as well. I don’t know what kind of plan he’s been cooking. But, one thing is for sure that Neku and Beat have to find a way out of this. Since they now figured out how to locate the composer. But will Minamoto arrive before them?

Overall, this was a pretty good episode. Hanekoma’s motives are still a mystery. I don’t think he’s the composer but, he’s definitely powerful. Beat is also starting to appeal to me more as a major character. Without him, Neku probably wouldn’t have gotten so far in this game. The composer and Hanekoma are still quite mysterious. I hope with the next couple of episodes left, things are properly fleshed out since so much stuff about this universe and characters remains both interesting yet unexplained.