English Dub Review: The Dungeon of Black Company “New Dungeon Paradise”


Kinji reaches the fourth “floor” of the dungeon – a lush forest environment with a sky, geography, and a thriving ecosystem. He must find a way to unblock the path to the fifth floor…

Our Take

Some character development for Rimu this time around as we delve into her personality beyond just eating whatever she can get her hands on. Seems like she’s not just your typical hungry monster but also showed a softer side as she decides to help out a demon kid. Of course, making a deal with Kinji is a fair trade of a solution, like it or not, Rimu took it upon herself to be the grown-up, and don her the name of “Sky”. Also nice to see Ant Queen again and she has a human form now, very nice.

Easily one of the more comedic highlights besides Rimu’s wholesome moment would have to be Shia donning a bunny suit just to be chased by demon rabbits. How she has not yet been eaten alive or from the inside out is quite the surprise.

Overall, this episode was quite amusing yet has a lot of potential despite the cliffhanger at the end making the proceedings even tenser. I wish they spent more time building up the relationship between Rim and Sky. Instead, I felt like the episode was rushed and didn’t have a proper build. With Two episodes left, maybe they’re saving that resolution for later I guess?