English Dub Review: The Dungeon of Black Company “GoOd Day,goodbye”


Belza strikes back against Kinji by gathering evidence to report Kinji to the authorities. Kinji is placed under arrest for numerous serious charges, some of which are actually true.

Our Take

Damn, in nearly every episode, Kinji somehow finds himself in trouble and the finale is no exception as the consequences of his past actions come crashing down. Kinji’s backstory of compelling reasons to topple strong people from the top-down, it’s a motto fought with his life on the line, that he had to acknowledge his loss until the situation calls for it. But Wanibe and the rest are prepared to fight for him, seeing how he had saved their life from such atrocities.

The art style and animation was pretty average this time around but that didn’t really matter for me. When it comes to Kinji as a character I don’t know what to call him, a hero or a scoundrel? I wish they also gave a little more screen time for Rimu. Despite being one of the key characters, all she did in the final episode was eat.

Overall, for a season finale, it ended on an OK note. Kind of a predictable finale as the conflict itself was sort of handled in such an unexpected way. I’m also curious about what Shia wanted to tell Kinji, but that remains to be seen if season 2 ever becomes a thing.