English Dub Review: 86 EIGHTY-SIX: “Welcome”


Overview: Lena (Suzie Yeung) tries to move forward after her traumatic experience with Spearhead. While Shin (Billy Kametz), Raiden (Jonah Scott), Anju (Maureen Price), Kurena (Erica Mendez) and Theoto (Casey Mongillo), coming of their recovery and rescue, learn about the Federacy of Giad. 

Our Take: In what is a welcome return indeed, a massive status quo change occurs on both of the spectrum from San Magnolia and Giad. 

Shinei and the rest of the gang had a massive impact on Lena throughout their emotionally grueling ordeals. The series picks up its smart writing and character work by seeing that reflected in how although she may care for her new team that she is handler for, she is also keeping them at an arm’s distance due to what happened with Spearhead. Her enduring and strong will has always been a key reason in what has made her so mesmerizing to watch. Those aspects are fully embraced in how much well-founded self-respect Lena has grown to have when addressing her superior officers and her new subordinate, especially when taken into consideration her demotion from Major to Captain. Even her relationship with Henrietta sees things slowly return to normal despite it being severely fractured, showing the strength of their friendship. 

With Shin, Raiden, Anju, Kurena, and Theoto saved by the Federacy of Giad, the introduction of a new empire shows one that begins to show how it differs from the republic of San Magnolia. For one thing, Giad is a safe haven for those who aren’t Alba, that is, stylistically, not the white paradise that Magnolia is, but one with warmer, inviting colors. It’s shown to be more objectively free with protests for the 86 with people of different races throughout. But at the end of the day thankfully, the Federacy and interim president of the Federacy, Ernst Zimmerman are not developed through rose-tinted glasses with them still having interests to protect with opportunities for using the 86 for military gain, but maintaining the concept of humanity that most would accept. Another little spitfire of character that is a fun new addition is that of Federica. She is an unfiltered and demanding little girl who has established a fun dynamic with our weary soldiers to start. One who surely has a bigger role with how she is adopted by Zimmerman and is the empress of Giad. Unsurprisingly, Ernst is dealing with his own past trauma that may be related to him taking in the Shin and the crew, showing to have both logical and emotional motivations, setting up another excellent part to a phenomenal series.