Review: RWBY Fairy Tales “The Hunter’s Children”



A lone hunter protects a swampy village until disaster strikes. Will his children pick up the mantle?

Our Take

Further continuing the non-linear nature of this series, This storyline is based on the 4th story taken directly from the RWBY Fairy Tales Book. The primary focus this time around is how do you go on without the people in your life? What can you learn about yourselves with or without conflict? and the biggest question that fans always wondered is, Why are specific Team formations within the world of RWBY’s Huntsman Academies always consist of 4 students/teammates together?

This manages to answer all those questions while keeping the storybook artwork consistent with the color yet simplistic aesthetic it’s going for. Though It feels like RoosterTeeth is going back to its lazy tactics of making the main characters focused in color while every other background character is reduced to being in gray or colorless which is somehow a step-up compared to the first Volume where nameless background characters were reduced to being formless shadow people for the sake of pushing the focus on Key-Characters, Villains, and Teams RWBY & JNPR respectively.

Overall, this tale was an excellent representation of the idea that people are stronger together than alone. There are multiple lessons that can be taken from this in a plethora of ways such as the importance of having family and loved ones in your lives and learning to unite against a common threat. Due to how screwed up the world of Remnant currently is and the in-fighting they have towards one another, they could use some self-reflection and learn a thing two from this fairy tale. But that remains to be seen in later Volumes of RWBY. And as an added bonus, the episode can be watched for free here.