Review: 9 Years to Neptune “Talent Show”



As a morale-building exercise, Suzy hosts a talent show. Each crew member has their own unique reasons for desperately wanting to win, turning Suzy’s simple show into a conniving labyrinth of skullduggery. The crew members will stoop awfully low in an effort to climb to the top. Meanwhile, The Ship’s AI system known as “Martha” malfunctions and starts speaking in different accents. Stuart in response to these attempts to reprogram Martha…

Our Take

While it seemed harmless and well-intentioned at first on Suzy’s end to begin the Talent Show, The comedic stuff doesn’t really pick up until the talent show itself actually begins revealing new stuff about the characters in the process while providing some decent laughs here and there.

Aside from the random malfunctions of the Martha AI system which consists of the computer doing comical accents. I think another standout funniest moment would have to be the opening with Natalie manipulating the pay rate in her favor due to how impatient and crass her idiot Boss is who funded the space trip in the first place.

Overall, this was a passable episode with a properly conveyed message about people being recognized for their talents and sometimes it takes a very observational individual to recognize what really matters in the grand scheme of things…