English Dub Review: The Dungeon of Black Company “Weapon of Mass Hysteria”


During Kinji’s absence, the dungeons have become more dangerous. In order to access the ruins inside, Kinji must find a way to push through the dungeons quickly, but it becomes quickly apparent that no amount of training will help…

Our Take

The plan is set for Kinji to become a world dominator in an effort to pay off his loans. And Shia personally gives Kinji and Wanibe her training regime to grow them strong. But for Kinji, this is literally “Magic School 101” because he just couldn’t comprehend the power system with Shia’s explanation by sheer physical power alone. Also, I can’t ignore this observation that every high positioned key boss in this show is a woman in tight clothes, which gives off mixed messages on who this is trying to attract.

At this point, we are eight episodes in and I have no idea what this show is about or specifically made for. Is it a satirical critique of society? Is it about not paying your debts? Isekai? Saving the world? It surely can’t be a comedy, right? This entire Isekai + corporate company/bureaucratic bullshit just does not work with each other at all. And where do I even begin with the magical sentient handgun that Kinji has been holding from the very beginning? And its weird-ass functionality as a side-effect from Rim’s mana, in combination with a bizarre password to unlock its potential.

Overall, I feel like Kinji’s character is all over the place. I honestly don’t know why he would care that he’s not that strong, because up to this point, his strength mostly relied on his wits and wisdom to get himself out of danger, so for him, all of a sudden whining about being weak felt inconsistently out of place. Not to mention him crying that he wanted to return to Japan is silly, since just an episode ago, he actually had that opportunity and turned it down himself. The mental fortitude of this fucker makes him both the luckiest unlucky scoundrel alive…