English Dub Review: I’m Standing on a Million Lives “Dragon Bishop”



After joining up with the villagers who had left on the Journey of Hope, Yotsuya’s party starts to notice that everyone is complaining of feeling tired, reminding them of what happened at Jiffon Island. When the group is attacked by monsters, a surprising figure from their past shows up and saves them. He also tells them that he’s been pursuing Dragon Bishops, that their evil influence is spreading, and that he knows why all the local monsters are so much stronger than the norm.

Our Take:

Well, the story is getting more intriguing but this episode was kind of a nightmare from a technical standpoint. The animation seemed really off to me. It just felt like a very rushed episode to me and not just in animation. The sound was a bit lacking and even the dialogue was bad. I mean this show isn’t going to win any awards for being the best dialogue around but this one was pretty bad.

The best part of this episode was that the dragon from the previous arc might be relevant. Not that dragon specifically but just more dragons in general. I thought that one disappearing as easily as it did was a bit lame so I am glad about that. Plus this one ended on a pretty interesting cliffhanger that I can’t wait to see resolved.

If you’re keeping track at home with how I feel about Keita guess what? He’s still a douche. He had some better moments this episode but he always floats around the douche line so I think it’s about time we give up on him being not annoying. Glen is still pretty cool and helps out at least. I feel bad for one of the villagers because he seems to have a thing for her but umm… he’s not exactly her type if you know what I mean.

That is about all I got for this week’s episode without going into super spoilers. So just like most of the episode this week I’m rushing this review. Seriously, it’s crazy to me how the story picks up and all the technical stuff just fell by the wayside. This wasn’t even that visually impressive of a show. So it was really noticeable, I hope next week improves it. Yusuke is on the verge of some character development I think so look forward to that too… hopefully.