Review: Victor & Valentino “The Puzzle Master”



Victor and Valentino, along with Pineapple and Charlene wake up and discover they are in a series of rooms like puzzles with simple rules: either get out of the puzzles or die.

Our Take

For a kids cartoon, the episode itself felt reminiscent of the 1997 Canadian sci-fi/suspense thriller film “Cube” where a group of individuals is trapped in a bizarre and deadly labyrinth of cube-shaped rooms, but what sets itself apart from the film is this episode’s supernatural twist.

The Pacing was fast while still helping the proceedings easy to follow, everything that happens with the characters (Including Pineapple and Charlene) somehow became beneficial later on, and the puzzles were clever enough for everyone to figure out.

Overall, a fun and passable episode for Halloween. And this one managed to be devoted to an entire storyline as opposed to most half-hour shows devoting themselves to two episodes which I think has become the norm at this point with American cartoons. But it helps to break the monotony to some extent…