Review: Middlemost Post “Darker Parker”


Parker makes snow cones for everybody in town during an intense heatwave and learns that saying no isn’t always a bad thing…

Our Take

While the plot structure of this episode felt very short, the basic premise felt weirdly similar to a classic Powerpuff Girls episode called “Ice Sore”. You also learn that as the title implies, the process of making snow cones involving cloud people is not without consequences, and sometimes you gotta learn to say no.

Meanwhile, the Mayor is building a wall around his home to keep people from fucking with his property, (Subtle…) of course it does have its own punchline due to the Mayor failing to be more specific to Ryan’s request which at least gave me a small chuckle.

Overall, this was a passable episode. While it started out feeling like an episode from a past episode of an old cartoon, it slowly became its own thing. Sometimes we need a little bit of selfishness in our life to take care of ourselves properly. It also helps to learn your own limitations, especially if doing something good for people may be detrimental to your health.