Review: GhostForce “Vochaos”; “Agia”


Andy must reclaim his reputation when Liv spills that he can’t swim, but then a ghost attacks. Later, Andy gets shamed by Liv for being into an action figure of himself when a birthday candle ghost starts stealing people’s memories of aging.


I guess this episode’s theme is that Andy is kinda dumb and Liv is a bit of a killjoy. Both segments involve Andy doing something cocky or childish, Liv making a comment that makes it blow up in his face, and then a ghost attacks to distract from everything going on until the two make up at the end. At least in the case of the second ghost attack, it’s a bit of a more interesting concept regarding birthdays and stealing someone’s mental aging so that they revert a bit to a child if done too much. The first one focuses on sound and manipulating voices, even removing sound entirely in some cases, which could be a cool and potentially horrifying concept that could get pretty dark…but it doesn’t really do much with it because I guess it’s not time to get serious at the moment. But you see what I mean when I say that these are starting to blend together, right? I don’t know if they meant to put these two very similar episodes together like this, but it doesn’t do them any favors. Also, does Ghostforce get royalties for those action figures or are they being cheated out of money because their design is so marketable? I mean their parents are all super rich and successful so I guess they don’t need the money, but it’s a fair question.

Also, while this seems like a pretty small thing at the moment, I think we might be getting a small hint at a potential main antagonist. The first segment begins with a reporter heading to go talk to a Mr. Kasenti, who seems pretty ordinary for the most part, but the way he’s designed, his clearly affluent life style and the coloring of his building all seem to be triggering alarms that this guy might be a supervillain. If this is the case, and I’m not fully convinced it is, this is a pretty sublte way of drip feeding his presence into the story before he becomes important, and choosing now to do it instead of right at the beginning actually can work well in throwing the audience off about his role. We’ve had nine previous episodes where he didn’t appear at all so for all we know this might be a one off character who doesn’t mean much. I certainly HOPE he’s more important and I didn’t just give all this speculation out of my butt for nothing, but we’re only going to find out by continuing to watch, I suppose. Though thankfully now the show will be switching to a more weekly schedule instead of the one per weekday we’ve been getting, which is alright by me!