Review: GhostForce “Cyclopee”; “Gmagicard”


Copy ghost! Magic ghost! You know the drill!


Well, it’s only been a couple days since the previous episode, but we have now settled into what will likely be the set schedule for the remainder of this first season, which is late night episodes on Mondays. Honestly, I’m surprised that we’re not still plowing through the series at five a week since this is still spooky season and I don’t really expect the idea of ghost superheroes fighting ghosts to be as fresh as it is right now in October, which is more than half over by now. But okay, let’s dig into these two segments for the week and see what I coherent thoughts I can piece together with only a few hours sleep and a mountain of jet lag. The first part shows that Miss Jones is working hard to upgrade Glowboo to be an even greater force against the ghosts, which worries Liv because Jones might come to her senses for a second and realize that employing children might not be the best option when she has a super robot in her command, so Liv rallies the team to show that they can handle themselves, only to find out that it’s okay to accept Glowboo’s help as long as the job gets done. Also that apparently Jones didn’t create him, she just made him from notes from a colleague that she hasn’t finished translating.

The other segment, which has a surprisingly lacking cold open (the first parts of the episodes often show the ghost first manifesting, usually out of nowhere), has the team facing a ghost dressing up as a magician. The ghosts are already pretty supernatural, so beyond the neat design it’s kinda redundant, but the point is that Mike learns that not everything in life can be easily explained or understood, which is an oddly complex lesson. Along with the first part, both focus on lessons about allowing one’s self to not need to be completely in control or trying to understand what might not be able to be understood right now. What’s important is what one can do at the moment and that requires to make use of what you have in front of you. Also surprisingly fitting for a show about ghosts to have a lesson about understanding that some things are beyond one’s understanding, namely the paranormal. Anyway, NOW I look forward to actually enjoying a week off from this show for friggin once.