Review: Family Guy “Rock Hard”

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Family Guy breaks out their tropey anthology episode that revisits important historical rock music moments like that of The Doors, Muddy Waters, and Elton John, with really only one of those (The Doors) actually really considered a true rock band (Muddy Waters is jazz and Elton John is pop).

Our Take

Notice the recap isn’t all that long. Reason being, this was by far the worst episode of Family Guy probably of all-time. I quite couldn’t understand what the producers were doing here, is this a send-up of how rock musicians came to be or a send-up of biopics? Two of the bits, featuring The Doors and Elton John, felt like the actual biopics but retraced with Family Guy characters while the Muddy Waters one was a Green Book parody maybe? I mean, I didn’t see one joke up until the last five minutes that more-or-less saved some of the episode. Truly putrid excuse for an episode entitled “Rock Hard”, in which there was 1) only one rock band and 2) The Doors aren’t a hard rock band, alas, there was nothing to rock hard. Not even any music was featured in the episode. If you’re looking for a solid Elton John parody this week, I recommend checking out this past weekend’s episode of Spitting Image on Youtube because it’s got way better Elton John jokes. Family Guy is doing it’s best to play it safe.