Pixar Producers Re-Team For New Animated Drama For FOX Called “Hawkmaster”


Mark Andrews, Andrew Gordon, and Oded Turgeman are teaming up to develop a new animated drama for FOX called Hawkmaster and have already locked in a script commitment from the network that is continuing to diversify it’s animation offerings. FOX Entertainment and Bento Box are producing the series.

According to Deadline who broke the story, the project is set in a fantasy world, where Knights ride giant Birds of Prey, and Kess, a young woman who has always dreamed of flying, encounters a mysterious Hawk without its rider and soon finds herself caught up in a dangerous plot to kill the Queen. With the help of the Four Winds, renegade Knights banished from the kingdom, Kess will discover what it means to be a Knight and trust your winged companion with your life.

Our Take

Having just recently premiered it’s Fall 2021 Animation Domination lineup, FOX is gearing up for what sounds like is going to be a very busy 2022 for adult animation for the network. The network is messing around with comedies, now dramas, and sketch, this is an exciting time to be at the FOX network.