English Dub Review: Tokyo Revengers: “One for all”

A rocky road 

Overview: The Tokyo Manji Gang relieve some significant memories in their past.  

Our Take: As I watched this episode, I waited and waited…and waited some more for a reason to care about Keisuke Baji. The gang’s ceremonial trip that led to the creation of the Tokyo Manji Gang as a whole failed to impress upon me the importance of his role. As sweet as it was watching them childishly show off their bikes and be dumb goofy kids with each other, Baji reason for the friendship or even just his ties with the rest of the gang was never put into the forefront as much as it should, despite him being the catalyst that led to Toman’s inception in order to help Kazutora. If anything it made Kazutora a bit more likable for how he was defending his neighborhood, lone-wolf style, especially in light of where he is currently in regards to his mental state. But then, albeit only somewhat, it came. A reason. 

Chifuyu has always had a close bond with Baji and that has been evident since the characters were both introduced. While that may have been clear to them, the problem lied in that we were never able to fully appreciate why because of their lack of screen time and/or backstory. This episode finally course corrects to show why these two boys’ friendship matters in the simplicity of just them helping each other out and being there for one another. Had there been more of these intimate scenes akin to this from the very beginning that show why their relationship is as strong as it is not just between them but amongst Pa, Draken, Mikey and the rest of the gang, Baji’s final moments would have hit home a lot harder. Although at the very least, Chifuyu and Baji’s early days accomplished what they set out to do in making me care about their brotherhood more, even if just a little. With that being said, while there was something resembling a plan involving Chifuyu and Baji, the same can’t be said for how Kazutora’s development is handled pertaining to how his warped mental state is transitioned away from seemingly no reason whatsoever. The charm jogged a cherished memory from the boys’ past, this much is true. However, if it was that significant how could he have not remembered it beforehand? Why is Baji and his heartwarming past with the gang just now influencing him for the better in light of him turning himself in? So many story elements are haphazardly concluded by how ill-developed they are. But to give credit where credit’s due, I ended up giving a damn about a character I never thought I would. But how much more would I have cared had there been more due diligence done on Baji’s narrative? Probably a hell of a lot more.