English Dub Review: The Dungeon of Black Company “There is strong shadow where there is much light.”


Several high-ranking members of the Demon Lord’s Army are threatened by Kinji’s meteoric rise, and decide to take action against him. Meanwhile, Ranga is haunted by a secret from his past…

Our Take

Up until now, the proceedings of this series have started to really escalate towards something since the last episode, but at the very least I’m welcoming what it could possibly lead towards. However, I’m left wondering if where the hell Wanibe and Shia are though? Were they lost just like that due to the time travel?

The well-established trio of Demons known as the “Three Ravens” certainly feel threatened by Kinji’s position, but putting that aside, what comes out of left field are in-jokes and references to Alice in Wonderland in parody form, with not-so-subtle parables to the animals being treated as corporate grunts. But Kinji being the unscrupulous rabbit figure himself is just too comical, and Ranga’s backstory experiencing a fate worse than Kinji, slowly unraveled into a surprising twist at the end.

Overall the proceedings of this episode were top-notch in focusing on a newer character added to Kinji’s circle. People seem to forget that Ragna is the closest thing in this show to a trans character while trying to have it both ways. The writers clearly want to sexualize her for the sake of a cheap joke, yet at the same time, attempted to give her more depth and a hinted tragic past as motivations behind siding with Kinji. Also, the cliffhanger ending left me with more questions than answers…